Xharks Sol

Meme-sea of Crypto🌊🦈

Xharks Coin is a revolutionary meme coin built on the robust Solana Network, bringing a fresh perspective to the world of cryptocurrency. Our focus is on community, speed, and social impact. Dive into the future of cryptocurrency with Xharks Coin.

Contract Address: 4Qu8kqgJYitCePe6jijByngWyoRAWJZUbVz8XCJzkweV

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About Xharks Coins

Xharks Coin is not just another meme coin; it's a fintech phenomenon designed to disrupt the crypto world. Powered by the lightning-fast Solana Network, Xharks is more than just transactions; it's a community-driven movement. Our ethos is simple: transparency, innovation, and inclusivity. We believe in the power of memes to connect people, spark conversations, and drive change. With Xharks Coin, everyone has a voice, and everyone can make a splash in the crypto ocean.

Tokenomics: Total Supply: 50M $XHAR